
Kilrossanty gaa notes

November 7, 2018

No Winner of the clotto held on Sunday night 15/1/12 in Crottys inn.
Numbers were; 4,6,8,27. €25 won by the following Margaret Walsh The
Arches,Eliza Hayes The Pike,Clare Walsh Gortavicory,Liam Whelan &
Jamie Daly C/o Crottys. Sellers prizes to;Packie Keating Comeragh,Sean
Veale Lemybrien.
Jackpot next Sunday night in Micilins Bar 22/1/12 for €1,700 at ten o clock.

The U21 football Western & County medals plus the Western Minor
football medals were presented by Wexford Senior football manager
Jason Ryan in Micilins Bar last Friday night a great night was had by
all who attended.
Many thanks to Micilins our Sponsor and to Jason Ryan.

The Annual General Meeting was held on Sat 7th January, thanks to
everyone who attended this meeting.  The officers of Damien, Bernie,
Patrick and Colette have stayed on for another year and welcome aboard
to our new Committee Members, Managers and coaches.
Under 8 and 10 Training Indoor Football Training commences this week
Friday 20th January from 8pm to 9pm in Kilgobinet Sports Centre, we
would like to see as many as possible to attend this training session.
 A text message will be forwarded to you during the week to give you
further details. Training for the other age categories will be
commencing shortly and notifications will be sent out also.

Membership for 2012 is now due.  Can you please see Ger Walsh our
Membership officer or Kevin Lonergan.  Remember due to insurance if
you are not a member you cant play. Player €50,Family €40 (2 adults &
Kids u16),Non Player €30,OAP/Student €20.