
Lorrha GAA News

November 8, 2018

Adjourned AGM: The Adjourned AGM will take place in the GAA Clubhouse on Saturday next, 22 December at 8.15pm. All members are requested to attend. A new Treasurer and Registrar will be elected on the night while there will also be an important discussion on the new senior hurling championship system.

Juvenile AGM: A very disappointing crowd turned out for last weeks Juvenile AGM. While things at senior level are rosy at the moment, it will not remain that way for much longer if we do not have enough people willing to get involved in coaching our young players.
No Under 8 coach was appointed. Pat Kennedy will coach the Under 10’s while Aidan McIntyre and Ken Hogan will take the Under 12’s. Hubert Hogan and Ken Hogan remain managers of the Under 14’s and 16’s respectively.

School Visit: Eight trophies visited the three National Schools in the parish on Friday last to great excitement among the children. Along with the six trophies won by Lorrha during the year, Patrick Maher and Ciaran Haugh were also in possession of the All Ireland and Munster Minor Hurling trophies.

Christmas Draw: Tickets for our Christmas Draw for excellent prizes are now on sale at €5 each. The draw will take place on Sunday next, 23 December in Brophys. We would ask all those who were issued with cards for the draw to return them by the weekend.

Race Night: A Race Night in aid of the Lorrha GAA Players Fund will take place in The Friars Tavern on Thursday, 27 December. Horses and race sponsorships are still available.

Dinner Dance: The Lorrha GAA Dinner Dance will take place in the County Arms Hotel, Birr on Saturday, 5 January 2008. Tickets are now on sale and are priced at €40. Medals will be presented to the victorious Intermediate hurlers and Minor footballers on the night.

Club merchandise: There are a limited number of Lorrha GAA Jackets and crested shorts still available.

DVD’s: Copies of both the North and County Intermediate Hurling Finals are available from Shane Brophy at €20 each. There are also DVD and Video copies of the 2006 County Minor Final still available.

Lotto: The numbers drawn on 10 December were: 5 – 8 – 10 – 24. No Winner.
The Lucky Dips were: Agnes Sherlock, Kenneth Cleary, Jennifer O’Malley, Timmy Maher and Michelle Keeneghan. The Winning Promoters were: Billy Dagg, PJ Hogan and Garrett O’Meara.
The next two draws will take place on Sunday nights with Christmas Eve and New Years Eve falling on a Monday. This Sundays draw will have extra prizes so make sure you are in the draw.
You can also play the Lorrha GAA Club Lotto Online by going to our website: and clicking on the lotto icon or going to The number of players who have joined is growing by the week. You can register your numbers for 4 to 52 weeks and get free entries on the length of time you enter for.

Old Time Dancing: Our Old Time Dancing continues in the GAA Clubhouse on Friday night to the music of Brian McDermott. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am.

Website: Our website: which has been dormant in recent times has been updated in recent weeks with photos from 2007 and also contains weekly news and events and also access to our lottery online.