
Weekly Newsletter nb. 14 March 2011

November 7, 2018

1. Lotto

No winners of the Lotto last night. Attendance prize won by John Boyle.

2. AGM

We hald an AGM on the 11th which was attended by 69 members. The accounts showed a small profit for the first time in 4 years. The club has turned a corner but we still have a long road to recovery. The new executive was elected consisting of

  • Eamonn King – President
  • Georgina Morrissey – Secretrary
  • Myles O’Brien – Treasurer
  • Nuala Whitney – Marketing/membership
  • Jim Hanley – Grounds
  • Brendan Morrissey – Bar
  • John Murphy – House

Thanks to everyone who attended.
3. Rugby

Congratulations to the 2nd team, Ray Fagan (coach), Daragh Larkin (President ) in winning the Metropolitan J4 Leauge with one match in hand.

4. Pavilion refurbishment

Painting is underway in the Pavilion. the entrance hall and landing have been completed. The main hall floors and walls will be completed in the next few weeks witht the addition of a awning to reduce the height of the ceiling for functions. This is an important refurbishment and will help secure more functions which are an important revenue generator for the club.