Writing a winning sponsorship letter
Finding a new sponsor for your sports club can be a challenge but also represents a new opportunity for the club to maximise its sponsorship revenue. Sport – even at amateur level – is increasingly competitive with different sports trying to attract the same playing personnel. The quality of the experience for players, parents and volunteers is becoming more important so having the funds to pay for the right equipment, kit and facilities is vital.
Outlined below are some tips on preparing to a sponsorship proposal and a Word document template for your club to use.
Preparing your sponsorship proposal
Having your homework done before your send a request for sponsorship to a local business can be the difference between success and failure. Here are some tips to help you prepare to send the letter. If you think you are already prepared and you just want to sponsorship proposal letter template, just scroll to the end and click the link to download the word document.
- Are they interested in your sport? Your sponsor interest in GAA, football, rugby or whatever sport your club plays is a good starting point.
- Have they got a vested interest in your club? If the target sponsor has children or other relation involved in the club, they may be more inclined to support your club financially.
- What is in it for them? A sponsorship arrangement is different to a donation. If your club needs a donation – ask for a donation. However if your club is looking for sponsorship, the local business should be getting value in return.
- Is there a specific relevance for the business? Maybe there is a local business that wants to advertise specifically to parents of underage players and would like to sponsor your clubs underage jerseys? Think about the relevance of your sport to their business and you may find that the club has multiple sponsorship opportunities instead of just one.
- Use your contacts to influence the sponsor. Perhaps one or more of the players or volunteers in the club are employed by the business you are looking for sponsorship from. Talk to these people about arranging a meeting regarding sponsorship to get the conversation started.
- Is the business performing well? Be aware of how the business is doing – if they are performing well, expanding their service, hiring new staff etc. they are more likely to be a good target for sponsorship than businesses that are trundling along.
- Avoid conflict of interest. Is it appropriate for the business to sponsor juvenile teams? e.g. a local bar or betting office. Also, if your club intends to have multiple sponsors, avoid taking competing businesses on as a sponsor unless they are both aware and happy with the situation.
- Explain the purpose of the funds. If your club can demonstrate that the funds your are looking to raise through sponsorship have a specific measurable purpose, then a business might be more inclined to hand over their hard-earned funds. For example, the sponsorship money might be used for part funding of a capital project like a new clubhouse or astro turf pitch.
- Consider the duration of the sponsorship. Put a specific time-frame in place (e.g. 3 years) or consider a trial of 1 year so that both parties can evaluate the partnership and review how it wen.t
Composing your club sponsorship proposal letter
A proposal for sponsorship should be typed on club-headed paper and signed by the highest ranking club official (usually the club chairperson).
Your club sponsorship letter should outline exactly what is involved – what you expect from the sponsor and what your club commits to doing in return, with specific timelines for both parties. If there is any doubt, or assumptions made, this may lead to a misunderstanding and a sponsor may walk away as a result.
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