Maximising the financial return your club gets from a fundraising event takes a lot of work. The Tickets module of Clubforce allows club administrators to raise funds for the club with minimal effort and hassle without having to mobilise volunteers to sell tickets, collect and transfer cash to the bank, gather and coordinate all data offline, print tickets or worry about getting tickets to the member on time. Creating and Managing ticket sales for events, giveaways and matches is easy with Clubforce.
How to announce your event effectively to club members
Newsletters help keep your club members engaged and share any upcoming events. Members with the Clubforce App automatically get a notification when you publish your article. You can easily and quickly share details for your camps, meetings and other club events with your members.
How to run your event using e-ticketing – no ticket printing needed!
Simply set up a ticketed event on your Clubforce App and members can purchase tickets online from the comfort of their own home, the office or even at the shops! Members will receive an email with their confirmation of payment and event details. Saves so much more time than printing and spending hours by the field handling cash.
How to report on event income and attendance
You can pull a detailed overview income report covering income and attendance across different streams (this is ticket sales, lottery tickets, etc). The Accounts Summary Daily gives you a full view of how your event performed over the period of days, weeks or even months.
For match tickets, raffles, and prize giveaways (e.g. Christmas draws), Clubforce has everything you will need to run a successful ticket-based fundraiser without having to create a new account on a different platform, incurring further costs for every additional feature you require.
Any club event can be managed online using the Clubforce platform without using disconnected systems – ensuring all your member data is always kept in one place.
Annual club celebrations such as Awards Presentation Nights or ad hoc events such as trophy celebrations using Clubforce to simplify the registration process, reduce paperwork and streamline fundraising.
To find out more about How to Sell Tickets & Promote Clubs Events using Clubforce call us today at +353-91+506048 or fill in the form below and one of our team will be in touch.