This year’s New Year’s resolutions may have already fallen by the wayside but now is a really great time to check you’re making the most of your club’s lottery in 2024.
Here are five suggestions to help you generate more fundraising through your lottery this year:
1. Be creative and post regularly on social media
Make sure you’re posting regularly about your lottery – remind people to play, share the draw and let supporters know the results and winners. Be creative in how you post – social media algorithms mean that content is shown to fewer people if it is seen to be repetitive (this is why Clubforce doesn’t automatically post your results to social media for you as it could damage your content’s reputation on that platform). There are some great examples of this from Naomh Fionnbarra & St Anne’s GFG where each week they create a topical post and graphic reminding people to play.

2. Don’t forget to let people know how and where to play
When posting on social media, don’t forget to remind people to play and give them a link to play in the next draw!

Advanced tip: on some social media networks, posting external links (such as the link to your lotto) regularly in posts can mean your content is displayed to fewer users. One way to get around this is to post the link in the first comment on the main post and boost your content up the algorithm. Here’s an example of how some media sites do this:

3. Remind your members and supporters
When did you last send a message around the club asking people to get the word out about your lottery? Now is a great time to get a reminder out using your club’s communication channels. Don’t forget to remind your members why fundraising is so important and ask them to share with their personal networks. Think about messages that demonstrate the direct benefits of the fundraising such as – “the funding raised by the lottery helps make sure we can keep your membership fees lower” or “this fundraising is key to us being able to maintain/upgrade the club’s facilities”.
The Clubforce can automatically send regular emails to expired lottery players to remind them to reactivate their fundraising with your club.
4. Broadcast your draw live
Did you know that social media algorithms favour live content? This means if you broadcast your draw live on somewhere like Facebook, it will be seen by more people than if you just upload the results afterwards. Setting up a Facebook Live is really simple and can be done from any mobile phone these days. See how Dunshaughlin & Royal Gaels broadcast their weekly draws and winners through Facebook Live!

5. No cash, no problem!
For years clubs have raised extra funds and secured more lottery supporters at in-person events but these days this is made harder by less and less people carrying cash. It’s not all about online promotion – make sure anyone visiting your club is aware of the lottery by ensuring signs/posters are up around the club. Add a QR code to the poster to make it easy for someone to open up a link to your lotto and sign up on their device. While not strictly for lottery, check out Donaghadee Rugby posters outside their club using a QR code that links directly to their membership. The same concept can be used for any online fundraiser.

Clubforce helps thousands of clubs across the UK and Ireland reach their fundraising objectives. If you’d like to find out more about how using Clubforce could help your club fundraise, request a demo today.