When thinking about engaging blog topics to write, you wouldn’t think that international standards for data security would be top of the list. Whilst admittedly it’s not a thrilling subject, it is one that is really important for grassroots sports clubs to be aware of: ultimately the responsibility and liability for your members’ data sits with you.
Data created every day online is increasing exponentially
These days so much of what we do is online, whether we’re booking a taxi, shopping or even messaging friends. The amount of data created every day online is increasing exponentially and more and more of this is personal data. This is no different for sports clubs where more and more data is stored online from basic personal details and payments through to messages and statistics.
Clubs are responsible for protecting their member data
With this volume of data going online every day, its secure storage is becoming more and more important. The responsibilities for this are clearly set out in GDPR legislation. A sports club is a data controller and determines the method in which the data should be collected and processed, e.g. which software platform you choose to manage your memberships. As part of choosing a supplier, it is the club’s responsibility to ensure that the software provider is able to provide appropriate guarantees and assurances that they will maintain the club’s data securely.
As a supplier to clubs, we take our responsibility extremely seriously in this respect. We want you to rest easy knowing that you have fulfilled your responsibilities as a club volunteer. This is why we have invested in securing ISO27011 certification and cyber security insurance.
Working with a certified provider is the best way to meet your responsibilities
ISO27001 is the international standard for information (or data) security. Securing the certification demonstrates that the measures and processes that Clubforce has in place to keep your data safe and secure are in line with these recognised standards. The process involves regular audits and checks which means you can confident that we’re up to date with the latest in security.
Clubforce is the only supplier of a sports club management platform with ISO27001 certification in Ireland. If you’d like to find out more about our new NextGen platform, request a demo today.