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What’s new from Clubforce in 2024

What's new in Clubforce 2024 blog

As we reach the halfway mark of 2024, Clubforce, the premier all-in-one club management platform, continues to evolve to better serve sports clubs and organisations worldwide. Whether you’re a long-time user or new to the platform, we’ve launched several exciting updates designed to streamline operations, enhance member engagement, and simplify administrative tasks. 

Here’s what’s new:

Group Messaging

We’ve made it easier for volunteers or coaches to manage their teams. Now, they can create their own groups and events, share important messages, and send links via group chats and direct messaging, all while keeping member data secure. Admins can save time by setting up recurring events for regular activities like weekly training sessions. Plus, RSVP functionality helps keep track of member availability, and in-app participation insights allow coaches to monitor trends and maintain player engagement.

Clubforce Connect App showing communication features and bespoke club image personalisation. First screen includes clubforce newsfeed showing the club logo, preview text and an attached image. Second screen shows a groupchat with a hyperlink and emoji message sharing. Third image shows groups and team profiles with a custom image.

Group Codes

Inviting people to join groups is now easier with unique group codes. Group Managers can create these codes for users to request to join. This feature is perfect for new joiners and pre-season participants. Managers can approve requests to maintain control over group membership and enable or disable two-way messaging in group chats.

Clubforce connect mobile app for sports clubs invite members to join your app

Second Parent

Parents can now add a second guardian to manage communications on behalf of their child. This ensures both parents stay informed and in-sync about updates and activities.

New Bespoke Club Homepages

Every club on the Connect mobile app now has a bespoke homepage customised to their own colours. This homepage serves as a one-stop shop for everything your members and followers might need.

Clubforce connect mobile appshowing different club profiles

Club Followers

Engaging with your club is simpler than ever with Clubforce Connect. Users can follow your club, access your homepage, and receive news posts and push notifications just by downloading the app, searching for your club and giving it a follow.

Clubforce connect mobile app for sports clubs follow my club feature

Newsfeed Feature

Share your club news easily with our newsfeed feature on the Clubforce Connect App. Club admins can create news articles, add images and URLs, and publish them to the newsfeed or specific groups. Members can like and engage with posts and receive push notifications when new articles are published.

Clubforce Connect mobile pp News feed and push notifications

Clubs can now personalise the app by adding links for fixtures, camps, documents, or anything they wish through the Back office. These links will display in the Club links section of Connect.

Clubforce Connect mobile app add custom links to your club menu

Custom Lotto Communications

Keep your club’s identity strong with bespoke lotto results emails, designed to perfectly match your club’s colours and crest, giving you that polished, professional look. Promote your fundraising lotto on your homepage and send automated push notifications to remind followers to support and play. It’s easy for followers to click and purchase within the app.

Email Communications

The Clubforce platform includes an email tool to help you communicate with members. Select recipients, set the subject and content, add attachments, preview, and send with ease.

ISO27001 Certification Renewal

Finally, our most important update, we’re delighted to have just this week passed our ISO27001 annual audit again, making Clubforce the only Irish sports club management platform certified to these international standards. This achievement reflects our commitment to maintaining high standards across the company.

2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for Clubforce users. Stay tuned for more updates throughout the year, and if you haven’t already, explore these new features by logging into your Clubforce account today!

If you’re interested in trying out the Clubforce platform for your sports club, fill in this form here and we’ll get in touch for a quick demo.

Automate the management of your sports club today