Virtually all amateur sports clubs are always on the lookout for new coaches to assist in providing training to players at all levels. As well as club administration volunteers, coaches are in demand but there’s a growing focus on the certifications they possess including coaching qualifications and police vetting forms but also on their abilities as a coach where no formal training has been undertaken.
Here are some of the characteristics that help make a coach successful:
Emotional Intelligence: A good coach is able to express their own emotions in a controlled way without losing their temper. They also have the ability to demonstrate awareness of the emotional state of participants and colleagues and manage relationships with empathy
Sport Knowledge: Knowing the sport they are coaching for is not necessarily a must-have but it can be important and successful coaches are often involved in the sport in some capacity from an early age.
Vision: The most successful coaches are often heard talking about the ‘plan’ and developing as a team. If you are starting as a coach, it’s good to have a good idea of the future development of the team and a specific set of realistic goals you would like to achieve in a specific time frame.
Communication: Good coaches are able to get their point across effectively. They are also good at listening to those around them – whether players or coaching assistants and medical personnel and they consistently articulate the goals and objectives of the team.
Leadership: Coaches are leaders. They demonstrate a positive manner even when things are not going well and a good coach will command respect by showing respect for team members, officials and opposing teams.
Balance: The ability to provide guidance without critical judgement is important to help build confidence, instead constructive feedback and encouragement help with player development. A good coach will also and seeks to make informed decisions (listening to those around them) without showing bias or favouritism to certain players, methods or systems.
Motivation: Different players are motivated in different ways and need a different approach to get them firing. Successful coaches are able to navigate this man-management minefield to get the best performance at an individual level in order for the team to flourish and reach their potential.
Do these characteristics sound familiar? Perhaps you would like to share your skills with your local sports club or know someone who fits the bill? Clubforce makes it easier to be a club coach or volunteer by reducing the administrative burden and simplifying participation for members and volunteers alike.